Webinar on PEFA and PEFA Climate: useful aspects for SAIs? on Thursday 14 March
INTOSAI WGEA Secretariat will organize a Webinar on PEFA and PEFA Climate: useful aspects for SAIs?. The event will take place on Teams on Thursday 14 March at 12:00-13:00 UTC (8:00-9:00 AM Washington DC time / 14:00-15:00 Helsinki time). Webinar speakers are Srinivas Gurazada (Head of PEFA Secretariat) and Holy-Tiana Rame (Senior Public Finance Specialist at PEFA).
Click here to join the webinar
PEFA and PEFA Climate highlight that reliable and extensive external audit is an essential requirement for ensuring accountability and creating transparency in the use of public funds.
The webinar will introduce the audience with:
- How both frameworks focus on the important role of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) in the PFM cycle, and
- How SAIs may use PEFA and PEFA Climate in their work for better transparency and accountability.
Should you have any inquiries or technical issues, please contact the Secretariat at intosaiwgea@vtv.fi.
We look forward to seeing you online!
The Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA https://www.pefa.org/) framework assesses the status of a country’s public financial management (PFM) system by focusing on key aspects across the budget cycle. PEFA is designed to provide a snapshot of PFM performance at specific points in time using a methodology that can be replicated in successive assessments, giving a summary of changes over time. The PEFA report provides the basis for dialogue on PFM reform strategies and priorities. PEFA has been widely recognized as the most commonly accepted PFM assessment tool, with 800 reports covering 155 countries to date.
In 2020, PEFA released a supplementary framework, focusing on the extent to which a country’s PFM system is responsive to climate change. The PEFA Climate supplementary Framework enables agenda setting on climate change and PFM and provides a reference for reform design and implementation. The assessment highlights the strengths of the existing system and identifies the opportunities (entry points) for countries to make their PFM processes more climate responsive. The methodology covers mitigation and adaptation and is grounded in the countries’ commitments under the Paris Agreement and PFM as the means to support their implementation.