WORK PACKAGE 6: Experience sharing and capacity building
WORK PACKAGE 6: Experience sharing and capacity building
The target of Work Package 6 is increasing the knowledge and experience sharing among environmental auditors and SAIs.
Create an overall plan for capacity building for 2020–2022, including elements such as:
- Organizing meetings with high-quality presentations and workshops on environmental topics
- Liaising with iCED on global training environmental auditing
- Developing e-training materials (MOOCs)
- Training on SDGs
- Analyzing Citizen Participatory Approach in the context of environmental auditing
- Further developing the INTOSAI WGEA website into a knowledge sharing platform
- Utilizing social media channels to facilitate experience sharing between the meetings
- Annual collection of environmental audits worldwide to the audit database
- Streamlining and conducting the Tenth Environmental Auditing Survey
The work package responsibilities are divided as follows:
Coordinator: Secretariat
iCED: SAI India
MOOCs: SAI Estonia
Training on SDGs: SAI Indonesia
CPA: SAI Philippines